Beatrice Lamette -Brown
Author of the page turner series "Leave Me Alone" and more
Author of the "Leave Me Alone' series
There are times you don’t know what to do. There are times you don’t know where to turn. There are times you don’t know how to ask. And there are times you don’t know if you would be heard.
Become God’s tool to help other to recognize, develop, and use their ‘God-given talents’ to ease suffering and grow in goodness, love, compassion and wisdom. Remembering where you have been and where you will go. Become a part of God’s plan for what He is doing on earth, bring Him glory.
Use your God-given talent to help all His creations to live a more satisfying and rewarding lives.
One Savior
One Cross
One Day
Beatrice Lamette-Brown Latest Releases
Calvina Jade Westbrook was a twenty-nine-year-old former prostitute whose life had been tarnished by tragedy, violence, and suffering. She was a single mother of five young boys all under the age of eight, with no family to lean on for support.
My mission through my writing is to share with my readers how God is constantly working in the midst of our darkness. God is using me to make a positive difference in the lives of others utilizing my writing skills and percepts of life for the good of all people. Being a true disciple of Jesus Christ consist of walking the hard roads and taking up your cross
daily in order to keep moving forward.
Mission Statement
"Leave Me Alone"
"I Warned You"
"Transition on I -49"
Coming Soon